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Food Discovery & Review: Spicy Choco Crackers

This particular post is the get-go of my series of posts entitled FOOD DISCOVERY AND REVIEW. 

 The series will substantially discuss  food discoveries I made from around the planet and my candid reviews with each discovery.

 First discovery is the SPICY CHOCO CRACKERS from Leona Cakes and Pastries bakeshop.  What made me turn my head and picked this new snack (new to me since it was the first time I saw it from their racks) and actually paid to the cash register, was the NAME of the food itself.  Simple name indeed, yet brilliant.  The name is a basic description of what the product is and what we can highly expect from it.

 With the use of my senses, here's my evaluation:

Color - brown, and matches with its name - Choco

Odor - scent of chocolate surfaces with a whiff of a spice

Texture (Feel on Hands & Mouth) - thin-skinned crackers and truly crispy

Taste - the most important aspect, the mix is quite uniquely blended which was a total surprise.  Expected to be Spicy - check (tolerable hotness),Expected to have Choco taste - check, but there is this baffling taste which axed its predictablity (due to its obvious name), which I openly describe it as viand-like.  And well, some people did agree to such description.

My overall rating for this new discovery is 8 of 10.
Price-wise, at Php 28.00 (please verify at the store), this product is a good buy.  The contents, as to grammage, is sufficient. I have actually eaten the pack for several snack periods.  The taste, as I said is a surprise and seemingly predictable (because of the discernable name of the product).  For those who are into food taste experimentation, why not give this crackers form Leona Cake and Pastries a try?

You can purchase these nibbles at any branches of Leona Cakes and Pastries.

Eat good food, everyday!


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