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My Kitchen Adventures: Episode 1 - Veggies and Tuna

From this day on, aside from blogging about my restaurant reviews, my travel escapades with food, I am also now beginning to share my other new found love: cooking. I don't bake, I cook. I prefer most cooking viands in particular and always choose those green ingredients for a sumptuous and healthy meal.  

Episode 1: 
V E G G I E S   AND   T U NA

Recipe 1 
Fresh Lettuce with Sauteed Mushroom and Cherry Tomatoes filled with Feta Cheese with herbs

  Recipe 2 
Broccoli, Asparagus and Young Corn in Oyster Sauce and Sesame Oil

Recipe 3 

Spicy Tuna Fusili Pasta in Carbonara Sauce

 Simple details on how to prepare Recipe 1:
The cherry tomatoes are de-seeded.  The feta cheese slice in sizes that can fit inside the cheery tomatoes.  The tomatoes with cheese and mushroom are sauteed.  A plate filled / arranged with fresh lettuce are topped with the sauteed vegetables and then garnished with parsley.

Simple details on how to prepare recipe 2 -
Slice the vegetables.  Saute the sliced and crushed garlic and sliced white onions in an ample amount of virgin coconut oil, then add the asparagus and young corn.  Then add the broccoli, stir for a while.  Add the less-sodium oyster sauce.  Then splash an ample amount of sesame oil to add more taste.  I love the smell and taste of sesame oil.

 Simple details on how to prepare recipe 3 -
Cook the fusili spiral pasta. Set aside to cool down.  Saute with garlic and onions, add the spicy tuna.  Then add the carbonara sauce.  Pour the warm sauce on the pasta then garnish with parsley.

Also you can see HERE, the first recipe that I shared in this blog.

Photos and contents were imported/exported from my other blog

 Sigh cooks healthy!


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